
Review: AI Photo Editor by ImgCreator

The most user-friendly Photoshop alternative is now available! Introducing the AI Photo Editor by ImgCreator

AI Photo Editor is a ground-breaking AI-powered image editing application that enables users to design & edit images with text.

It is simple to use and produces high-quality images in a variety of styles, such as anime, oil painting, and many others.

Users can add, modify, change, or replace any objects in the image without needing to learn any skills. It is the perfect

Who is the Intended Audience for AI Photo Editor?

Key Features of AI Photo Editor

AI Designer has four key features so far:

AI-Photo Editor – Alternate or edit part of an image

With AI Photo Editor robust AI editor, you may add, remove, or modify any portion of the image.

Select the area you wish to alter with your mouse, provide a description, and then click “generate” to see the results.

For instance, you may choose the girl’s section and enter “a wonderful hair decoration” in the text description field. Based on your description, you will receive two outcomes; choose the one you like best, or regenerate to find better ones.

You can use it to fine-tune your generated image or just edit your own photo without needing to know how to use complicated tools like Photoshop.

One-click Background Removal

AI Photo Editor makes it easy to remove backgrounds in just 3 seconds or less.

You can easily create a transparent background or change it to any image of your choice.

This feature is perfect for creating professional-looking banners, visual presentations, product catalogs, and graphics.

Remove backgrounds quickly and easily with one click, even for complex images. AI Photo Editor’s AI assistant accurately identifies the target elements and precisely cuts them out, so you can place them in the desired location without any hassle.


AI Photo Editor’s AI function allows you to expand your images without distorting their shape. It also enables you to easily change the background of newly cut elements.

To use this function, choose ‘AI-Fill’, select the area you want to expand, and click generate. Again, you can choose from several different results and pick the best one for you.

Additionally, AI Photo Editor’s AI-FILL function expands the picture while preserving its original lighting and shadow. This ensures that the output maintains a realistic and consistent appearance with the original image.

Add Text To Image

AI Photo Editor’s text editing feature allows you to add personalized text to any image, bypassing the limitations of AI text generation. You can select from a variety of fonts and place your text, words, emojis or WordArt images freely on the image. Customize the size, font, and color of your text with just a few clicks to ensure it fits perfectly with the image and creates the desired effect.

Layer-based editing

Imgcreator’s layer-based editing feature allows you to make precise and nuanced changes to each element of an image. You can independently adjust the position, size, and sequence of each element, which gives you more control over the final result. Additionally, you can modify the opacity, brightness, saturation, and contrast of any element, making your creations more realistic and dynamic.

How to Use AI Photo Editor?

How Much Does it Cost to Use the AI Photo Editor?

Most features of AI Photo Editor are entirely free.

However, if you choose to use the AI-Edit, AI-Fill, or AI-Generate features, it will deduct two credits from your credit balance for each prompt you submit, regardless of how many pixels you fill in.

You can easily earn credits daily by completing missions, and there is no subscription required. Additionally, you can purchase additional credits from your account center at any time if needed.

What are some use cases for AI Photo Editor?

Tips and Tricks for Using AI Photo Editor :

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