
What Is Employee Journey Mapping and Why Is It Important?

The employees’ experiences at work affect business success. Employees who feel positive about their workplace and employer become more productive and engaged and choose to stay longer at the company.

Modern companies track the employee’s stay in a company from the time they hire the individual – tracking records of important events, touchpoints, and milestones in an employee’s career path within an organization.

Employee Journey

What is employee journey? It comprises the entire events and activities an employee goes through from the moment they join the company until the time they leave the organization. An employee journey helps companies understand deeper the components that positively affect employee motivation and work engagement.

Employee Journey Mapping 

Employee journey mapping measures the employee’s experience at every stage of their employment. Employee experience includes their feelings regarding workplace events and interactions, for example, performance reviews. HR can determine which areas need improvement by developing and analyzing the journey map.

Importance of Mapping Employee Journey

Many employees are not fully engaged with their work. Often, most of them continue to stay in the company despite their dissatisfaction for economic reasons. However, their unhappiness with their job can affect other colleagues. When HR creates a well-designed employee journey map, it will be easier to determine the areas that need improvement and enhance the employee’s experience. Good employee experience is essential because it can increase employee engagement. In addition, it makes employees stay in the company, boosts productivity, and reduces recruiting costs.  

A journey map provides a novel way to depict a company’s goals, values, and processes. As a result, your company can provide the best employee experiences, which leads to building a stronger company culture. Eventually, these features can attract more qualified employees to your doorstep. It gives your company a distinctive culture that is attractive to prospective employees and clients.

Creating an Employee Journey Map

You can choose how to develop an employee experience map depending on the needs and issues that need resolution. However, you can follow a basic employee journey map as follows:

Employee journey mapping helps organizations boost employee experience, improves KPIs, and generally makes the organization a desirable place of employment.

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