
How VR And The Cloud Can Save Time For All AEC Professions?

To answer this question, we must first know why and how they are important in today’s world across other relevant fields and industries.

Why Cloud And VR Are Important Tools

As technology grows and develops, so will the need for VR and cloud technology. The Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, which saw the whole world locked in their homes, made these needs more important than ever. With cloud and VR technology, companies around the world are finally breaking the distance barrier and growing.

Cloud is a technology that gives people access to information from around the world through internet-connected storage devices. Information stored on the cloud is now ready-made and accessible to millions around the world at no cost. Gaming and social media platforms are now leveraging this technology to store users’ information and maximize the amount of time and fun their users have on their platforms. 

In the field of medicine, virtual reality is being used as a tool to help patients who are in severe pain. Allowing doctors and nurses to guide patients through difficult procedures and surgeries by virtually teaching them breathing and relaxation techniques.

In the area of workspace, these two technologies have been a tremendous help in boosting productivity among employees. Helping them save both time and resources as they complete their daily task.

Combining all this information on the cloud with the power of virtual reality, companies like solution is shaping how we work, entertain, learn, and even exercise.

Benefits Of Using The Cloud For AEC Professionals

In today’s world of AEC, being good is no longer enough to survive. Now, you must be fast and reliable to stand a fighting chance to survive in this ever-growing industry. To build up your speed, the cloud, the future of global storage technology, has come to save the day.

With the constant digitalization of the AEC industry, there is so much to benefit from this new trending technology. Here we will be taking a look at some of those benefits.


It helps engineers and architects hold meetings remotely. This creates room for a faster review of structural designs and plans. 

Data Sharing And Security

Gone are the days when engineers had to wait for days before they could get the final plan from the architect. With cloud technology, these plans become accessible from anywhere in the world. This makes it easier and faster for corrections to be made and shared with all parties involved. Most times, these corrections are made in real-time, with everyone seeing and sharing their ideas from wherever they are in the world.

Regarding security, all information uploaded in the cloud is fully encrypted and can hardly be destroyed or stolen. Cloud helps you outsource your data security to experts who are well experienced in managing data and information.

Data Recovery

The AEC is an industry that is heavily reliant on documentation. Meaning that keeping track of documents is key to any AEC company’s survival. A cloud-based storage model makes tracking, recovering, and accessing any document easier and faster. This saves the company resources and time spent on hardware storage devices. It also eliminates the need for constant backing up files, as they are automatically saved using a cloud-based model.

High-Level Computing 

Most of our mobile devices are limited by their storage and processing power. This limits the number of things that can be done with them. With the cloud, high-level mathematical structural calculations and designs can be done with little reliance on hardware at a much faster rate.

Benefits Of Using VR For AEC Professionals

The Importance of virtual reality (VR) in AEC cannot be overemphasized. With the growing need to build Infrastructure better and faster, AEC professionals have much to benefit from VR technology. VR leveraging on its ability to bring reality closer and smaller can be used to teach and train students without having to put them in harm’s way. This takes away the risks, creating a safer learning environment. It presents students with the opportunity to be more flexible with their imaginations and learn faster. Helping them experience and create different designs with little or no extra cost and limitation.

With the aid of artificial intelligence, this technology also helps clients see and make changes to structural designs without having to see them physically. With the power of 5G technology, VR eliminates the need for physical meetings among AEC professionals. It creates room for AEC professionals to work together to solve high-level structural calculations using mobile devices like VR headsets.


As of today, the big obstacle to the full adoption of VR and cloud technology is money. With a pair of VR headsets selling for as high as $1000, the need for a cheaper means of production is important. In any case, business owners who have a lot to gain can benefit from the investment.

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