
Choosing between Node.Js and Ruby On Rails

Node.js and Ruby on Rails are two popular solutions used in web development and usually to decide between the two is a hard choice. Both can support complex web applications but each has benefits and shortcomings. Let’s try to figure which one is the best. 

Node.js quick intro

Node.js is used for building powerful server-side applications. The open-source runtime environment is super flexible and convenient to work on. This solution is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, enabling code execution outside of a web browser. If you need a scalable real-time application that has to handle vast amounts of data and run on different devices, then Node.js is a perfect match thanks to its non-blocking input-output model. Another advantage of Node.js is the ability to build the whole project by using one programming language. Node.js was chosen by eBay, PayPal, Walmart, LinkedIn, Uber, Microsoft, New York Times. 

Node.js Pros

Node.js Cons

Ruby on Rails quick intro

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open-source web development framework written in Ruby. It is a robust server-side MVC framework that provides developers with default conventions over configuration with no need to work on the boilerplate code. This allows programmers to focus on the features and the logic of the future app rather than coding. As a result, apps are built fast and with fewer risks. Today this framework is used by Airbnb, GitHub, Couchsurfing, Dribble, and over 500 thousand other websites.     

Ruby on Rails Pros

Ruby on Rails Cons

So, Ruby on Rails or Node.js?

So, who won in this battle? It seems that it is a tie. Each technology comes with unique approaches and excellent features. Besides, both Node.js and Ruby on Rails have got some drawbacks that need to be taken into account.

When to pick Node.js

Node.js is the perfect match, when the application is real-time and requires processing many concurrent connections, demands fast page load and intense input-output operations, such as a gaming app. It also can be used for building mobile and desktop development. Besides, Node.js provides easy-to-use tools for APIs creating. 

When to pick Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a perfect option if you are limited in time and budget since the framework allows developers to move at a faster pace. This framework also suits great if you need to create a database with heavy workloads. Ruby On Rails ships with every necessary library and module. Rails make it easy to build websites according to a set framework that puts convention before configuration. Ruby on Rails is probably the right choice when the project doesn’t require real-time functionality. 

If you still hesitate to choose Ruby on Rails or Node.js, our web development company will gladly provide you with the necessary technical help. We are always ready for a new collaboration and will be happy to discuss your website’s details or web-based app. Feel free to visit

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