
Physical Business Security is Just as Critical as Your Online Security

In more recent times, it has become second nature to business owners to implement stringent online security practices. Of course, however, it’s very easy to see why. Not only will it keep your company’s data secure, but it will also help to give your customers confidence that your business is trustworthy.

Unfortunately, however, whilst online security is important, many companies with brick-and-mortar premises often ignore how important physical security actually is.

Ensuring that you adopt best security practices for both your physical business premises and online premises, can benefit your business in a variety of ways.  Make sure to read on below for some of the reasons as to why you should reassess your physical business security, collated in partnership with Brunel Fire & Security, leading Security Company Swindon.

Why is a Secure Business so Important?

Whilst most of us can readily agree that we can see why enhanced security is important, it’s all too easy to forget the myriad other benefits that can be associated with taking the time to assess your business security.

For example, introducing quality security measures will allow you to control exactly who can access your business, whilst also allowing your employees to feel valued and safe on the premises.

Of course, safety is key, however other factors such as job satisfaction and performance do often correlate with employees that identify with the values of their business and feel safe at work and therefore will stay working at their business for much longer.

What’s more, when customers visit your business, you’ll likely find that secure business premises will make them feel much more reassured.

How to Improve Security Within Your Business

Of course, the benefits of implementing proper security are clear but it can feel very difficult to know exactly where to begin. 

Implement Access Control

One of the most effective ways to ensure that your company knows exactly who is entering and exiting your building is to invest in access control. Choosing to move away from traditional lock and key and investing in access control cards will provide a number of advantages. Firstly, they’re much harder to copy and duplicate, and should you need to remove access from someone, you won’t need to change any locks or give out a new code, just change a few settings on a database and the rest of the team won’t be affected.

Document All Security Policies

It’s important to decide on and agree on a set of security policies of which your employees can be aware when handling physical security. Doing so will help to ensure that you are protected against both intentional and unintentional data theft. Some things to consider in such a policy include:

Add Surveillance

Installing surveillance cameras is an excellent countermeasure in terms of theft, especially if you ensure that the location of the cameras is hidden, as it will be able to document theft to build cases and collect evidence. However, a few overt cameras are great for documenting the exterior of your building and discouraging theft and vandalism.

Exterior Lights

Exterior lights are similar to surveillance cameras in the fact that they assure the safety of both employees and customers and act as an excellent deterrent. A properly illuminated property will make a criminal much more likely to get caught. Even better, by investing in automatic, motion-activated lights, whenever a person gets too close to your property, the lights will turn on, unbeknown to the potential criminal.

Following proper security procedures doesn’t have to be complicated and can, in fact, be a crucial step towards building a secure business, whilst also ensuring long-term viability. It’s important that you get it right the first time, as any slip-ups could cost you both financially and in your employee’s trust.

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