
9 Essentials for a Complete Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Solution

Cloud-to-cloud backup is becoming an increasingly popular way to create redundancies in data storage. Cloud-to-cloud backup is simply backing up data stored on one cloud application, like Google Drive or Dropbox, to another cloud-based storage application.

As you’re considering whether you need a cloud-to-cloud backup solution, you should keep in mind these nine essentials to make sure your system works as seamlessly as possible.


You use cloud-based backup solutions because they’re automated. Any cloud-to-cloud backup solution should be heavily automated to take work away from you or your IT support, allowing you to choose how often data is back up, which data is backed up, and where it’s stored.

Looking for a highly automated backup solution is an important part of making sure this service is easy to use and suits your needs well.

Customized Solutions

Another key component of a good cloud-to-cloud backup solution is whether it can offer you a customized solution for your needs. Being able to work with you and your team to give you what you need at the price you want is essential.

Many solutions offer tiered service levels to provide customers with a range of options to suit their needs, at a price they can support. However, it’s preferable to find a solution that has some flexibility with regard to your individual needs.

Service Compatibility

Obviously, if you’re backing up data between two different cloud services, you’ll want to make sure your solution is compatible with both applications.

While most services are compatible, it’s a question you’ll want answered before you take on any solution. Some features for different applications may not translate well to other services, so doing some research is important to avoid difficulties later.

Data Recovery

If you lose your data, you’re going to want a solution that makes it easy to recover that data. Some services offer ways to recover data quickly, offer the ability to search for files, and gives you the ability to access different versions of files for team collaboration.

You can’t afford to wait days to get your data back in the event of a loss, so evaluating your cloud-to-cloud backup solution’s data recovery options is an essential part of your research.


Any solution you choose should be simple to use, or it loses its convenience. These solutions are supposed to make less work for your IT staff, but if your users can’t use it, it could end up being a bigger headache.

Generally speaking, the simpler the application, the more useful your company will find it to be. User-friendliness is an important consideration when choosing a cloud-to-cloud backup solution.

Data Storage Limit

The best cloud backup solutions offer limitless data storage, allowing you to back up most, if not all, of the data critical to running your business. If all of your employees are backing data up to the cloud, you can run through storage limits very quickly.

While services without storage limits might be pricier, it will save hassle down the road because you don’t have to worry as much about which files make it into the cloud. Just back everything up so your bases are covered.


Breaches happen all the time, and cloud-based storage solutions aren’t immune to them. Check whether your solution has third-party cybersecurity accreditations or certifications. These let you know that the solution is more secure.

The last thing your business needs is to have a data breach because your cloud backup solution wasn’t secure.

Data Ownership

Another important factor to consider is whether the cloud service has any claim to your data. You might think it goes without saying, but some cloud storage solutions might make it difficult for you to actually get your data.

Your data is your own and you should be able to access it any time, from anywhere, and for any reason. Make sure your cloud-to-cloud backup solution is readily accessible at all times and has good customer service to help you keep your data under your control.

Understanding of Policies and Regulations

Finally, a good backup solution should have a firm grasp of government regulations, industry standards, and your own company’s policies when it comes to data storage and security.

Check whether any potential solution can work with you to incorporate your policies and procedures into access rules. It’s critical that they comply with government regulations as well, and have some understanding of the unique standards relevant to your industry.

Cloud-to-Cloud Backups Should Make Your Life Easier

At the end of the day, you’re looking for a cloud-to-cloud backup solution that makes your life easier, not more difficult. These nine essentials will help ensure that your solution is in fact making it easier to do business by keeping your data secure and readily accessible in the event you need it.

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