
How to Choose the Best Node JS Development Company?

What is Node JS?

If you are interested in developing solutions based on Node JS, you likely know what it is about. However, let’s sum it up to smoothly enter the topic of choosing Node JS developers. Node JS is a multiplatform runtime environment that allows users to develop server-side apps in JavaScript programming language.

What Node JS stands out with is the event loop mechanism, which allows it to perform non-blocking I/O operations. This way, even though JavaScript is single-threaded, Node JS can support concurrency using async function calls.

What does it mean in practice? Above all, this feature brings benefits for the software providers as it keeps memory usage predictable. Also, it makes Node JS fast at processing web tasks. However, at the same time, the event loop makes Node JS not recommended for apps that rely on heavy computation tasks (CPU-intensive), as the mechanism may affect their performance.

At the same time, Node JS carries various benefits – from scalability (particularly for microservices architecture) to a rich ecosystem. No wonder you’re interested in implementing it in your software development process. Now, which criteria to use when picking a reliable partner?

#1 Back-End Extensive Experience

A software house that has a lot of experience with building front-end apps but little to no in working with their server-side might not handle that task. Thus, look through the portfolio of the partners that you take into account and check the ratio of their projects. We recommend making a room for those that have worked on the backend part or have delivered full web apps and exclude the potential candidates that focus on the front end in their daily work.

#2 JavaScript Extensive Experience

JavaScript has a relatively steep learning curve compared to other programming languages. As a result, it usually takes years to master it. When teaming up with a software development partner, it is worth verifying the expertise of the Node JS developers that will support you. A few years of experience in JavaScript is essential for the project to go smoothly. JS is not like the other languages the basis of which you can master even in a few months. Even though there are a lot of open-source materials to reach out for, still, it may take a lot of time.

#3 Agile Approach

Scrum is a standard in the current IT industry, but there are still quite a lot of software houses and agencies that work with the waterfall approach or other methodologies that have entirely different specifics. The power of Agile manifests itself to a greater extent in complex projects that take a long time to deliver. Those that rely on Node JS development often qualify as such. Since the Agile teams deliver pieces of work in short, usually two-week sprints, it is much easier to control the whole process and introduce small changes gradually instead of all at once. Agile teams are more flexible and autonomous, which comes in handy, particularly when the backend work is involved.

If you take these criteria into account, choosing a reliable partner will surely turn out much easier!

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