
6 Amazing Great Blog Post Tips

Not owning a blog in 2020 is like not owning a website ten years ago; this is because, in the past decade, content creation and content marketing have become the new normal. To succeed and stay ahead in business, you have to create content always; because your competitors are doing the same.

Gone were the days when the only thing you need is to write a blog post, and that converts into real traffic and an uptick in sales; nowadays, you need more than just a blog post. According to the best research paper writing service drive traffic and convert them into sales, you have to write great content that is unique and appeal to your audience and buyers.

In case you were wondering, the following tips will give you an idea of how to maximize your blog’s potentials.

1.Your introduction important

Every great article’s success depends mainly on its introduction because it is your only opportunity to convince buyers to continue reading your article. Therefore, in anything you do, you must always ensure that you give just about the same amount of attention you would give to your body of work to your introduction. No matter how well written the work’s body is, a hastily written introduction is just a waste of everybody’s time.

Before you publish the article, you must read your introduction from the perspective of your ideal buyer and answer the following questions:

If genuinely your answer to ‘all’ the questions is a resounding yes, then you can go ahead with writing; if otherwise, you should probably strategize.

2.Publicly declare your biases

As much as readers want to read a sales pitch that is capable of convincing them from an objective writer, it is also essential that you, as the writer, publicly declare your interest in the topic or in writing the article. Your readers need to know where you stand on the subject of discussion because whatever decision they take t the end of the article is a direct reflection of what they think of you, the writer.

3.Create outstanding titles

By titles that stand out, we do not mean clickbait. However, the success of every excellent copy depends on the uniqueness and performance of your title. Write titles capable of convincing buyers to open your link when it pops up on their search. 

To write a great title, do the following;

  1. Write your title in the form of a question someone would ask on a search engine. Tiles with simple conversational questions are more likely to do the job.
  2. Be unique in your use of words. Employ words that break through the monotony of the other ranking websites” titles.
  3. Break your title into two parts using a semicolon, question mark, or even brackets.

4. Always pay attention to your meta description

Your meta description is the first thing search results display. It is more or less your pitch to every searcher on Google, and it explains why they should click your link instead of others; because this sounds like what you intend to achieve with titles that stand out, but note that your meta description and your titles will have many similarities because you are targeting specific keywords.

5.Address your audience directly

Whenever you are writing an article or a sales copy, you must always consider your audience and be deliberate about speaking to them. From your end, as the writer, you should be able to read your copy from a potential buyer’s perspective and see that they know you are speaking to them or addressing their concerns. When you do not write directly to your specific and ideal audience, you run a significant risk of losing them to other pages.

To achieve a situation where your readers on the other side feel like you are talking to them personally, you must specifically describe a situation ha your reader(s) find themselves in based on their current location, job, and roles. You can also speak directly about a problem that a particular person somewhere might be facing or trying to solve, which you have a solution to.

6.Show off your people and their personalities

Even though every company has a specific y of writing and a specific content-style, regardless of the number of writers creating those contents, you sometimes have to let your writers’ uniqueness shine through without necessarily deviating from the topic or what you intend to achieve. The difference in your articles shouldn’t just be the writer; sometimes, you have to let the writers express themselves in a way that readers could distinguish, but also without the article losing its ouch.