
When is it Appropriate to Use the Word Pendejo?

Countless people around the world are being asked to work from home during the coronavirus crisis. Experts say it could change our work life even beyond this pandemic. — Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa/ZB

Before we get into whether it is appropriate to use the word pendejo and in which situations it is appropriate to do so, it is first necessary to understand what the meaning of pendejo actually is. According to the Dictionary and the Urban Dictionary, the word pendejo is a noun, and it is generally used against another to refer to them as an idiot. In terms of its literal meaning, the word pendejo in English translates to the term “pubic hair” and tends to be used to refer to men, though there is a feminine equivalent in the form of “pendeja.” 

Today, the term is considered incredibly offensive, and as such, many agree that pendejo is inappropriate whenever you are in formal settings or while addressing coworkers in emails or business meetings. Conversely, some agree that the term can be used in casual settings – especially in settings where it is being used among friends or those who are well acquainted with one another. 

An additional requirement in these settings – many agree – is that the person hurling the term should be certain that the recipient knows they are joking around and using the term in a playful rather than a harmful and insulting manner.  

While the term, in its present-day usage, is largely understood to be offensive – unless used in casual and playful settings – this was not always its initial meaning and usage. The word initially came into the Spanish lexicon (namely, Spain) in the 16th century. In that century, the term was initially used to describe pubescent teens who thought they were adults because they had discovered that they had pubic hair. 

A century later, the meaning began to change – this time to be a mocking or taboo reference to another and to very literally refer to the recipient of the term as a “coward.” By the time the term arrived in the Americas as a result of colonization, the term had evolved yet again – this time to be yet another insult in the form of calling a recipient of the term dumb or stupid.

Now that we have a better understanding of the word pendejo and where it comes to form, let’s delve a little deeper to consider when (and when it is not) appropriate to use the term. 

Spanish-Speakers Using Pendejo

While the term pendejo entered the lexicon through its usage in Spain, it has since spread beyond this geography to include many Spanish-speaking countries. Many argue that the present-day term is especially popular in Mexico and among those of Mexican heritage (and are Spanish speaking) who are currently living in the United States. Throughout the United States, the word pendejo is used as part of Spanish and English-language conversations by both those of Spanish heritage and non-Spanish heritage.

Today, when you say the term pendejo, it is generally understood that it is being used as an insult – namely, an attempt to call another person a “jerk.” That said, the term isn’t always used in ways that are intended to insult. Rather, there are some instances when the word is used in a friendly tone – though this does heavily depend on the context, for example, in an instance where two friends are engaged in a light conversation with no ill intent. Another example might be when a young man or boy in a place in Latin America tries to act older than he is – in this instance, the word pendejo is being used as it was initially in 16th-century Spain. 

Moments of Bonding

And yet, even in instances where the word is being used as a curse word, some argue that it can have some benefits – as in instances where it can create a form of bonding and cohesion among family and friends (in casual settings) and among co-workers (in more professional settings). 

That said, context is everything – and if this word is used with the intention of creating moments of bonding, it should be used with the intention of not inflicting pain. As such, in these instances, the use of the word has a lot to do with the nature of relationships, as well as the context and culture at play. 

Pendejo is Profanity

That said, the person using the term “pendejo” should always remember that this colorful language does have a time, purpose, and place – and either way, it is overwhelmingly understood as an instance of profanity. As such, it is important to remember that while there are occasions and places when profanity can and has been used, it can have undesired consequences. 

Some examples include profanity being used during religious gatherings, while attending school, circulating in legal courts, or being used among employers within earshot of corporate leaders. In these instances, most would agree that using the term “pendejo” would absolutely be understood as profanity and would, as a result, be understood as unacceptable.

Pendejo Could Make You Look Stupid

You should be aware that when calling someone a pendejo, even though it is intended to mean stupid or idiot to the person it is being directed at, the person using it could wind up being the one that people feel is stupid or an idiot for even saying the term, to begin with (or for saying in particular spaces and contexts). 

That is, some may see the person using the term and use that instance to question or judge them. For example, some may question your educational background and assume you may not have an extensive vocabulary. In other cases, some may make assumptions about you and your social circle by assuming that you are involved with disreputable individuals. 

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