
Tips And Tricks for Burning Crusade Player Leveling

Though the TBC Classic level cap of 70 is only 10 levels higher than the level 60 level cap of WoW Classic, those last 10 levels are still going to take you considerable time investment to progress past.

To help you reach level 70, in this guide, we’ll be going over some of the most useful general tips on how to get WoW TBC leveling quickly and easily. Tips included will cover the most efficient methods to farm both character and profession XP, which zones to grind at which levels, among other useful tricks and pieces of advice for you to practice as you adventure through Outland.

Leveling Methods

The most popular way to level up fast in TBC Classic can be broken down into a few categories, namely: questing, dungeon runs, and farming mobs. In this segment, we’re going to go over the basics of each.

For the most efficient leveling in WoW TBC Classic, you will want to combine and alternate between these different methods depending on your circumstances, such as the availability of quests or whether you have a group to play with.


Questing is the most natural way for you to level up your character in WoW TBC Classic, as all it involves is progressing through each of the game’s zones as you gain access to them and completing the questlines you find. It’s also the easiest method to get started since, for the most part, quests can be completed while playing solo.

Questing is less demanding since you can do it on your own time, and you don’t have to worry about any time constraints or schedules.

Running Dungeons

A step above questing in terms of efficiency, dungeons give you more XP for the same amount of time spent and award guaranteed rewards that are often better than the gear you’re rewarded from completing quests. You won’t be able to level your professions while you run dungeons, however. And, in order to maximize your efficiency, you’ll want to find a reliable group of players for running dungeons for several hours.


Grinding is your leveling option for when you run out of level-appropriate quests and when you don’t have a group to do dungeon runs. Find a zone with mobs that are at or slightly below your character’s level and kill them repeatedly to farm XP quickly. You can increase the efficiency of this method by targeting mobs with a chance to drop items that you need or that increase your faction reputation when killed at the same time.

Leveling Professions

In addition to increasing your character level, another progression path available to players in WoW TBC Classic is professions. With the right professions, you can earn additional gold as you level and even create useful items to make leveling your character easier.

Professions are divided into the categories of gathering professions and production professions. Gathering professions let you easily make a little extra money as you level your character by gathering crafting materials that can be sold for gold. Another use for these materials is crafting items with a production profession. Craftable items include potions, armor, and weapons.

When choosing your profession, consider taking First Aid as a secondary profession. With First Aid, you can use cloth looted from humanoid mobs to craft bandages. Bandages let you heal yourself between and even during fights so you can minimize downtime and maximize time spent leveling.

Leveling Gear and Consumables

Your character’s level is only one factor in how well your character performs in combat. Whether your role is as a tank, support, or DPS, having the right gear can mean the difference between completing quests or killing mobs and failure. Gear can be acquired from quests, dungeons, professions, and random drops from killing mobs. 


Grinding isn’t everything, and it’s important that you take breaks once in a while, which is why WoW TBC includes a Rest system for earning bonus XP. The Rest system allows characters to gain a bonus that doubles the XP gained from killing mobs. 

Rest bonuses are earned by a character being logged out, at a rate of 1.25% per 8 hours logged out up to 150% of your level. You can quadruple your Rest bonus gained to 5% per 8 hours logged out by logging out when your character is in an inn or a capital city. A character’s rest bonus is displayed along the top of their XP bar.

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