
Top 4 Supplements for Healthy Hair

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), almost 80 million men and women struggle with premature hair loss. Conditions like stress, hormonal changes, and medications to treat health complications can all attack our hairline. Fortunately, the secret to saving your locks could be within your diet. Supplements can fill gaps in our diet and supercharge hair growth. Check out the three best supplements for promoting full, healthy hair.

Vitamin A

Every cell in our body needs Vitamin A to grow! When we don’t have enough Vitamin A our cells can go into defense mode to try and conserve as much energy as possible. Hair growth is one of the first processes that the body temporarily halts.

When it comes to hair growth, Vitamin A aids in sebum creation, the natural oily substance we produce that nourishes our skin and hair. We need a healthy balance of vitamin A to thrive. Too much or too little can also exacerbate hair loss. A doctor may suggest you start by gradually increasing your Vitamin A intake. For instance, raising the amount of leafy greens, fruits, and eggs you eat is an excellent way to naturally increase Vitamin A production.


Hair loss researchers found that a Biotin deficiency is often linked to thinning hair in adults. Why? They found that Biotin is an essential component for keratin, the microscopic protein that makes up your hair. The signs of a Biotin deficiency are typically hair loss, scaly itchy red rashes on the scalp, and brittle nails.

Biotin is an essential hair vitamin, which means it’s one of the micronutrients we need to function properly. You can find it in eggs, sunflower seeds, and salmon.

Vitamin C

Many of us know Vitamin C for its immune-boosting properties, but it can also dramatically impact hair growth. Free radicals are dangerous molecules with an extra electron that float around the body, causing damage to cells and speeding up the aging process. They unnecessarily stress the body because they are always searching for an extra electron to steal and restore balance. Overtime, free radicals in the hair follicles and hair pigment cells can cause the hair to thin and turn prematurely gray.

Our body’s need a balance of free radicals and antioxidants to grow and maintain healthy hair. Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidants we can take to protect our hair, skin, and nails. Antioxidants can’t be damaged like other cells. They work by donating their extra electron and to free radicals which stops them from damaging other healthy cells.

Vitamin C is also necessary for collagen production. Collagen is a protein that is essential for building strong hair strands. You can find Vitamin C in citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines, strawberries and guava.

Vitamin D

Hair strands grow out of tiny little pores in the scalp, called follicles. One of the primary causes of hair loss occurs when our hair follicles shrink or stop producing hair. Researchers found that Vitamin D can help create new hair follicles, which means you can grow a fuller head of hair.

Since most of us don’t get enough Vitamin D, we suggest a supplement to increase your levels and promote healthy hair growth. One of the easiest ways to get more Vitamin D daily is to spend more time out in the sun. Seafood lovers can raise Vitamin D levels by eating salmon or other fatty fishes. You can also find special foods that are fortified with Vitamin D like milk, orange juice, and even certain cereals.

Supplements Can Help

If you’re sick and tired of watching your hairline shrink, then supplements could be the answer to your hair loss woes. Before making any diet changes, we always recommend talking about your options with a doctor. While vitamins and nutrients can restore thinning hair, there’s no such thing as a magic pill. We suggest you start your hair restoration journey with realistic expectations. Anticipating overnight success will only leave you disappointed the next morning.

Think of hair regrowth as a marathon, not a sprint. The key to making supplements work for you is consistency over time. You’ll need to take hair regrowth supplements daily over a few months before seeing the results.

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