
Top Tips for Creating A Website On A Budget

When it comes to your website, the design is just as important as the information it provides. In fact, studies have found that 75% of a website’s credibility comes from the design, with users favoring well functioning, neatly displayed pages. Of course, often that doesn’t come cheap though.

However, there are ways in which you can create excellent websites and designs on a budget. There are dozens of great website-building platforms out there like Duda which can help with this, while if you wish to be a little more hands-on, it’s important to take note of the many top tips that are out there.

Keep It Simple

Taking a minimalist approach is one of the best ways to keep costs down. Ensuring no sophisticated code is required will help stick to a budget. Any website, no matter what the budget, should be simple and easy for a user to navigate through, so starting this way will certainly do your website no harm as it develops.

Use Website Building Platforms 

People are often put off by website building platforms, believing that they add an additional cost that can be trimmed down. While that is the case if you already have expertise in building websites, if you don’t it can be the most cost-efficient way to get your website up and running.

This is for two reasons. Firstly, when you inevitably make a mistake and your website is in pieces, you’ll have to seek professional help anyway. And secondly, by handing over that side of developing your business, you can focus on other aspects, allowing you to concentrate on other key areas of the business and ultimately help you launch more efficiently. 

Know Your Key Focuses

Similar to keeping design simple, keep your messaging simple. Don’t build hundreds of pages to various aspects of your business. Align your website to your targets and ensure your homepage is clear in its delivery of what you offer. 

Use High Res Images

Sometimes minor changes can be the difference between a website looking smart and sophisticated or a complete shambles. Often high res imagery can really make that difference. While keeping design simple and minimalistic, the power of imagery can really help tell a story and catapult the quality of your site. 

Develop Your Website’s Content

While this isn’t easy, particularly if you want to integrate SEO best practices, which is always advised, nobody knows their business better than you, so you can create the content for your site.

Having all the content saved and ready for the website can save time and money, allowing yourself, or whoever is building your site, to upload all content at once and speed up the process.

Of course, you do need to have a solid writing style and spelling and grammar knowledge for this to be an option, otherwise, it could cost you more to redo it professionally, or simply put off users when the website launches.

Learn How To Manage The Site

Once your website is launched, it is going to need to be managed. Many businesses pay monthly retainers to professionals to take on this task. However, if that can’t be factored into your budget, then you’re going to need to manage it yourself. 

It’s relatively easy to learn how to do this, and there are tons of training courses online that can help you develop your skills and teach you things such as uploading content, making slight tweaks to pages, and generally ensuring that your website is running smoothly on a day-to-day basis.

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