
How Technology Has Improved Aged Care Facilities

Aged care facilities have been around for a very long time. However, not many of us stop and think about how much they have really changed.

In just a few years, incredible innovations have been integrated to streamline and enhance operations. This isn’t just to enhance the lives of staff and employees but also the well-being and comfort of residents.

Sound interesting? Below, we will talk about just some of the different ways that technology has improved aged care facilities.

Let’s get started.

Accurate Record-keeping 

While paperwork will always exist to some extent, using technology to manage records reduces human errors significantly. Staff can easily input new information and access it as required without sorting through multiple files.

As a result, time is saved, patients are safe, and important data can be passed through team members without fear of getting lost. Not to mention it’s helping protect the environment too.

Improved Staff Efficiency 

Another great advantage of technology in aged care facilities is its efficiency and productivity. Great software helps make management much more straightforward, providing a more effective and personalized patient care experience.

The best part is that there are tools for just about anything, like scheduling medication and staff shifts or cleaning rotas. All employees up to management level can benefit from a cleaning system, especially in the care industry. Software can be used as a method of monitoring the cleaning and auditing processes, so that the environment is as safe as possible.

Extra Security and Freedom

With safety being one of the most important aspects of a facility, technology does keep everything secure. For example, key codes and smart locks can ensure that nobody can simply walk in and out without being noticed.

On the other hand, some technology can also allow more freedom, especially for older people who may not need such intensive care. Wearables and GPS trackers can alert an emergency, and automatic pill bottles are effective for medication management.

Connection to Friends and Family Members

Since the recent pandemic, technology has played a vital and significant link between families and aged care residents. Distances can no longer keep anyone apart, as video calls can be set up quickly.

Even without thinking of COVID, it helps families that live further away to reach out to their loved ones on a more regular basis. This allows for improved well-being and peace of mind for all involved.

Realistic Entertainment

Finally, the most well-known advantage that technology has is its access to realistic entertainment. Residents can browse the internet, stream television shows and even play their favorite games with just the touch of a button.

Of course, other types of regular entertainment such as arts and crafts, board games, cooking, and dancing are all favored – but technology takes things to a new level. It may even encourage and assist those struggling to adapt to a new environment.

Final Words 

As you can see from the above, there are many different ways that technology has improved aged care facilities. It will be interesting to see what advancements can be made to enhance how we do things in the future.

What do you think the next step will be tell us in the comments section.

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