
Router Review: Netgear Nighthawk X6S

Nowadays, the internet is considered as both a commodity and a necessity. There are lots of benefits you can enjoy with having an internet connection, such as instant communication, working from home, online gaming, and on-demand streaming, to name a few. However, while using the internet yields many benefits, it’s not without imperfections. Behind a facade of efficiency, there’s a risk behind using the internet. The risk in question is a security issue. As the internet is an open platform, you’re also exposing yourself to cybercriminals who can harm you and your PC. With this in mind, you’ll need an internet router that will give you not only a fast internet connection but also well enough security that you’re protected from cybercriminals. Luckily, there’s an internet router that fits the criteria: the Netgear Nighthawk X6S.

Netgear is an established and well-known brand in the tech industry. Naturally, a product such as the Nighthawk X6S would be held in high regard by many consumers. For first time buyers, this begs common questions such as “What can it do?” or “Is it worth it?”. No worries, as we have you covered in that department.

Read on below for our Netgear Nighthawk X6S review.

Netgear Nighthawk X6S

At first glance, the physical design of the router gives it that sleek and modern look. Beneath the exterior, however, is a router with many capabilities.

For one, it boasts a maximum speed of 3.2 Gbps, which is considered even faster than other fast routers that you can get out there today. With speed like this, you’ll still get a fast internet connection no matter how many devices are connected all at once. Also, the router has antennas that can help boost the signal even further. Netgear’s Beamforming technology allows you to customize how much internet speed a device can get. The Nighthawk app also allows you to customize the router so that it’ll work following your preferences.

For other physical features, there are 5 usable Ethernet ports. When you choose to use these ethernet ports, you’d get a more secure connection as data is transferred immediately. Another great built-in feature is VPN support. As it already has a built-in VPN, you no longer need to find a third-party VPN.

The Nighthawk X6S also has great security features. You can customize your security settings using the Nighthawk app. There are two security settings for the Nighthawk X6S reviews: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key). The WEP prevents cybercriminals from spying on data that are transferred between clients. On the other hand, WPA-PSK secures your network with a code that’s constantly changing. For extra security measures, it’s important to update your router’s firmware.

The cons

While seemingly perfect, the Netgear Nighthawk X6S is not without flaws. For one, it’s on the expensive side. However, this is to be expected with a router that has excellent performance. Another one is the security feature. While it does have great security features, its parental control feature is a considerable drawback. To use the parental control security feature, you’ll need third-party support. Unlike Netgear’s Nighthawk X6S, some routers already have a built-in parental control feature that’s ready to use anytime.


The Netgear Nighthawk X6S packs a punch and delivers well in terms of delivering internet speed. It’s currently one of the best routers you can get out there. While it does have flaws, you can easily disregard that in favor of the benefits you can get with the Netgear Nighthawk X6S. It’s a router that more than does its job. With a router like this, you can be sure that you won’t experience any more internet-related inconveniences.

The Review

Netgear Nighthawk X6S

5 Score

At first glance, the physical design of the router gives it that sleek and modern look. Beneath the exterior, however, is a router with many capabilities. For one, it boasts a maximum speed of 3.2 Gbps, which is considered even faster than other fast routers that you can get out there today. With speed like this, you’ll still get a fast internet connection no matter how many devices are connected all at once

Review Breakdown

  • Rating