
4 Ways to Protect Your Customers Online

In today’s world, security and privacy are two essential services that every single business must off their customers. Without these guarantees, customers will not trust you, and they will not buy from you. There is more on the line than a single purchase, after all. It isn’t just getting scammed and buying a sub-par item or even not getting the product or service that they have paid for at all. It’s the risk that their data will be stolen, and that in turn will cause irreparable damage. 

Scams, frauds, viruses, phishing – the list of potential threats online is extensive. To help protect your customers, and to also assure them that they are safe when using your business online, you need these four methods: 

1. SSL and Encryption 

SSL and online encryption are one of the most basic methods of security that every single website should have, from blogs and small businesses to the biggest corporations. Extremely easy to set up, working to encrypt user behavior when visitors are on your site, SSL, short hand for Secure Sockets Layer, is the go-to method to secure processes like credit card transactions, login information, and more. It’s become the norm and is, therefore, the first place new businesses should look when improving their digital security. 

2. Extensive Data Protection 

Very few businesses will ever need to operate using their own tools. Tools instead are outsourced and often cloud-based. There are several layers of protection built-in through this method — the security built into the tool, and, of course, the additional security offered by your cloud provider. So long as you implement all available security measures and work to limit access so that each employee only has access to the data that they need, you are well on your way to building a simple, robust system that will serve and protect your customers online. 

3. Identity Verification 

Identity verification is imperative both for your business and for your customers. This means more than the simple verification tools that many companies offer nowadays, like two-step verification. For those that commonly deal with sensitive data, you need to identify and authenticate identity. You need to look into corporate fraud prevention solutions that verify your customers while simultaneously working on analyzing behavior so that any suspicious actions can be noted and the fraudster can be exposed.

4. Simple Security Protocols 

The simplest solutions can often be one of the best. You will be amazed at how often a hacking attempt occurs because the login credentials from a customer or an employee were stolen from another company. If the username and password are the same for your every account, one poorly chosen sign-up could mean a hacker has access to every single account in your name. 

Identity verification and other verification methods, like two-step verification, can help prevent these issues from occurring, but at the end of the day, enforcing unique login credentials for your employees and requiring several character types for your customers is a great start. 

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