
Top 5 Pros And Cons Of A Custom Web Application

When designing a new application, the developer, first of all, determines with one question. Will the application be native or will it be a platform-independent web application?

Before starting to develop an application, an Internet business owner should decide on goals. At eCommerce the last conference it was noted that it is important for business owners to answer questions about the application. This can be an increase in the average check. Also, it’s the activation of customers, an increase in loyalty and obtaining data (online and offline).

The next important step in custom web application development is the target audience. You need to understand what place the mobile product will take in your strategy and interact with the audience. It’s important to choose the optimal communication format.

Web Applications Have The Following Advantages:

Web Applications Still Have Their Disadvantages:

1. Bad Architecture

Lack of support for session state and delay in reloading each page. Each reloads causes a noticeable delay caused by the need to establish an HTTP connection. It processes the request on the server, sends an HTTP response message over the network, and reloads the page with the browser. This creates spikes and intermittent user experiences.

2. A limited set of controls for designing application forms.

The current version of the HTML language only supports a limited set of controls. These are the text elements, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, and command buttons).

3. Language Barrier

The language does not offer support for complex interactions that are often used in desktop applications. These are calendars, wizards, bookmarks, toolbars, and context menus in machine learning consulting.

4. For development are using JavaScript and CSS.

The lack of native browser support leads to a variety of implementations. It has inconsistent representations and ways of working with them. Both the basic technical architecture of the web and the limited set of available controls make it more difficult to support interacting with web applications. It’s in comparison to local applications. Also, the interaction and appearance of a web application may not be the same in different operating systems. Most web applications are made independent of a particular browser.

5. Inconsistent approaches to the design and way of interacting with users.

Modern developers and designers have possibilities for a lot of flexibility and creativity. The resulting variety and inconsistency in user interfaces create opportunities for everybody. This is because users see a wide variety of visual interface styles and interactions. Each of them is offering a different vocabulary of objects, actions, and visual representations. They are mixed in the same application. Many companies develop user interface and style design guides. It’s done to address design problems and the associated usage problems. It helps to streamline the appearance and operation of web applications.


Of course, the decision on whether to create an application or not is worth considering and weighing all the pros and cons. If you know the details, it’s easy for you to decide on the mobile strategy of your business. It’s important to control the set of tools in the application if you decide to outsource this task to specialists.

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