
Ordering Watch Batteries Online is Easy

What could be a better way to showcase your style than with a lovely watch? It is a great way to introduce a subtle hint of sophistication to your look and stand out.  Whether you choose a classic and study watch, or an acute dainty option, your watch will need batteries to function. While there are plenty of places to buy watch batteries, most people prefer to buy them online. Ordering them online is convenient, and it presents you with plenty of options. It is an easy process, and here are a few essential things to know about it.

Signs That Your Battery Needs to be Replaced

Watches stay active and keep us on time as we remain busy with our daily schedules. Watches require tiny batteries that become flat in the end and need to be replaced. The following are the top signs that you need a new battery for your watch.

Battery Chemistry

There are several types of watch batteries in the market. Examples include Alkaline, Lithium, or Silver Oxide batteries. In most cases, the Silver Oxide and Alkaline button cells are 1.5 V, while Lithium button cells are 3 V. Also, Lithium cell references are prefixed with either BR or CR and tend to be larger than other types of cells.

 Since Alkaline and Silver Oxide batteries offer the same voltage, most consumers are often torn between the two choices. Although there is a wider variety of Silver Oxide watch battery sizes, your decision should mainly focus on your application because Silver Oxide cells’ ability to maintain a more stable voltage than Alkaline Cells is better suited for watches, clocks, and metering equipment. It is also essential you understand that you can always replace an Alkaline watch battery with a Silver Oxide one. 

Battery Sizes

In most instances, Lithium button cell battery sizes are easily identifiable from their reference numbers. The first two numbers indicate the diameter in mm, while the second digits refer to the thickness or height of the battery in tenths of mm. For instance, a CR2143 is a Lithium button cell with a diameter of 21 mm and 4.3 mm in thickness. One of the easiest ways to determine the perfect battery for your watch is to check a watch battery replacement chart. Most manufacturers of watch batteries use a similar system for referencing their products. Therefore, whenever you come across a three or four-digit reference number, it should follow the above-mentioned rule. 

Choose a Good Brand

Like most consumer products on the market, the brand of a watch battery greatly influences its quality. The following are some of the top brands you should consider when shopping for a watch battery online. 

Renata Watch Batteries

These batteries are supplied by a Swiss-based company owned by the Swatch Group. If you are a big fan of watches, then you might have heard of the Swatch Group because they own some of the biggest luxury watch brands in the world. Some of their brands include Longines, Breguet, and Omega watches. Although the brand is a bit more expensive than others, it is highly recommended due to its reliability and longevity. They offer a wide array of over 40 types of batteries composed of silver oxide. The use of mercury in the watch battery was discontinued since the metal is toxic to the environment. Renata watch batteries are leak-proof and have a meager self-discharge rate, meaning that they last longer. 

Sony Watch Batteries

Although Sony produces many different silver oxide watch batteries to fit a wide range of watches, most are designed for high-drain timepieces. While the batteries might differ regarding their capacity, most of them provide you with 1.5 V of energy. It is possible to use two kinds of batteries in luxurious quartz watch movements. Nevertheless, you should always match the low-drain or high-drain with the correct type of timepiece. Additionally, Sony watch batteries are leak-proof and assure you of a stable voltage. 

Energizer Watch Batteries

This brand is one of the most recognizable in the watch battery business. Their range of batteries comprises both the lithium and silver oxide types. They are among the most affordable in the market. Energizer batteries are leak-proof and can supply 1.5 V of energy. Also, the packaging of the batteries is more difficult to open to enhance safety and promote child resistance. 

Maxwell Watch Batteries

Maxwell watch batteries are ideal for small electronics and watches. They are entirely made up of silver oxide and have a capacity of 1.5 V. Their batteries vary between those meant for high-drain watches and those for low-drain batteries. Although they are more expensive than other brands, they are always a great choice.

Varta Watch Batteries

Varta manufactures more than 30 different varieties of batteries meant for watches and timepieces. Although some of their batteries, such as the silver oxide types, are common in the market, they also produce lithium-ion and alkaline manganese batteries. The company’s batteries also power some rare watches like the Omega that uses a 2 V lithium battery uncommon in the market.

Determining the perfect replacement for your watch battery is an easy task. You only need to understand the size and type of battery you need. With the information ordering your watch battery online is only a click away.

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