
How to Get Started in Ranked Games?

Ranked games in League of Legends are a challenging and rewarding experience. The mechanics behind ranked games can be confusing for new players, so this article is going to break down the basics and offer some tips on how to get into them. It will also share what you can do when you’re in ranked matches to make your experience better: from staying calm in high-pressure moments to avoiding tilt (a state of anger or frustration caused by small mistakes).

Finally, we will discuss the benefits of playing ranked games versus normal ones. So let’s get started.

Understand The Different Types Of Ranked Games:

You will come across three different types of ranked games: solo/duo, arranged, and competitive.


in this game mode, you will be matched with another player to go up against two other players. How each team member performs individually affects the outcome of the match. Plus, you can bring a friend along for the ride or play solo if you want. The “advantage” of this game mode is that you don’t have to worry much about coordination with your teammates. Unfortunately, not many people play in solo/duo queues because it can be lonely sometimes, and the win rates are lower than other modes.


This is the model with the most variety. In arranged matches, you can be paired up against a group of friends or strangers in a custom game. How well you perform as a team determines how many points each player receives at the end of that match and whether they move onto higher ranked games.


in this mode, there is no player vs player combat; instead, teams of five battle it out until all but one team has been eliminated. This type of ranked match is truly competitive because any mistakes could lead to defeat – not only does your individual performance matter, but that of your teammates too.

Players Who Can’t Control Their Emotions And Reactions:

As we mentioned above, ranked games are high-pressure moments. Players new to the game might not be able to handle that pressure or adapt quickly enough when adversity hits; they also may feel overwhelmed by how many people there are in a match at once. How you respond to these situations will determine if your experience is negative (and ultimately not worth it) or positive (rewarding and fun).

Having patience with yourself and others, as well as communicating effectively, will help make sure everyone stays on track during each match. You can also learn new things about the game at

Start By Playing Unranked Games To Get A Feel For The Game:

Before you start playing ranked games, focus on having fun in unranked matches. How many champions have you mastered? How much time have you spent playing the game overall? How often are your teammates toxic or AFK (away from the keyboard)? After playing a few hours of normal games, ranked should feel easier and more natural to navigate.

While it is unnecessary to complete every single role before moving onto ranked play, being familiar with multiple roles will help keep things balanced for yourself and your team. Being comfortable doing more than one role can be very valuable when playing League of Legends because sometimes there just aren’t enough people available that know how to do certain roles at any given moment.

Be Aware Of Objectives On The Map:

if an objective is about to spawn, it’s important not to miss out on gold and experience points! Being present for important map objectives can make or break a game. Noticing when an enemy is vulnerable to ganks (when you attack someone in their lane, forcing them to retreat) will help snowball your lead even further by setting up kills that are easy to obtain with the number advantage you have on the other team.

Finally, remember what made you successful! If it was taking down towers quickly and efficiently that allowed your team’s lead to grow, then don’t become complacent now that they’re gone – take down all of those side turrets so there aren’t any places where enemies can hide from being slain. And keep farming minions because every single one counts towards victory.

Keep Track Of Timers:

the enemy team has a limited number of lives, and you don’t want to let them regroup before they respawn. So keep tabs on how long it’s been since the last member of their team died. If you can see an opponent respawning, wait for them to show themselves before attacking. They’ll have just entered the game with very little health or mana and will be easy prey if attacked right away.

But they’re also more likely to retreat if given breathing room, so take advantage while they’re weak! If possible, try not to reveal where your enemies are hiding by killing minions in front of them or using abilities that give vision unless you know you won’t be discovered. Instead, focus on pushing lanes forward towards towers even though this leaves your own base vulnerable because once there’s nothing left between your opponents’ respawn location and your Nexus, then it’s a fight to the death.

Benefits of Playing Ranked Games versus Normal Ones:


Ranked games are more challenging, but they’re also a lot of fun. So what are you waiting for? Ranked matches offer their own unique rewards that aren’t available in normal play, so step up to the challenge and see where your skills can take you!

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