
A Comprehensive Guide To Downsizing Your Office Premises

As a manager of an office-based business, downsizing to smaller premises is one of the most stressful activities one could possibly embark upon, even with senior managers’ full backing and support. 

If moving house is one of the top three most intensive tasks for a member of the public, then the same can be said for a manager and their office. Due to this, for your information and in an attempt to reduce your stress and anxiety levels ahead of the move, here is a comprehensive guide to downsizing your office premises. 

Don’t Be Overzealous When De-Cluttering

Naturally, regardless of the industry that your business operates within, you will be legally (and somewhat morally) obliged to keep old documents, written data, and other physical records for a long time after they were last used. 

If you find yourself with copious boxes of random yet potentially useful items and documents, it is strongly advisable to research and invest in one of the various Pittsburgh storage units from a reputable and renowned company to ensure your company’s belongings are safe and securely stored. 

Encourage Remote Working

Due to the current business climate, which has drastically changed and evolved over the last two years due to the ongoing worldwide coronavirus pandemic, more and more businesses are encouraging flexible and remote working. 

There are a wide plethora of benefits for companies in making this intrinsic change to your business model, especially when downsizing to physically smaller office space, including:

Invest In Compact Electronic Devices

If you had to name the items within your old office setup that took up the most physical space, it would undeniably come down to computers, printers, and other technological elements. 

When downsizing your office premises, providing you have enough monies in your budget, investing in smaller electronic devices (which are more affordable now than ever before) will result in significantly less space being taken up by these necessary items. 

Consider Your New Layout Carefully

When designing the layout for your new office space, you must first consider the absolute essential elements that you have no choice but to include in your space, such as computers, desks, copy machines, and other bulky items. 

Enclosed booths for your employees are an excellent way of maximizing your space and ensuring adequate social distancing measures if and when required or desired. When it comes to space utilization, you also need to think about your necessities for the office bathroom. Professionals from can help you create a suitable solution for your needs.

Other tips for a successful and smooth transition to a smaller office setup include speaking to your employees and understanding their needs, planning the move down to the smallest detail, and sourcing WEEE’s eco-friendly recycling solutions so that your space is environmentally conscious and economical. 

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