
Cloud Hosting and Its Advantages

If you have ever had your website hosted, there is no doubt that you have heard of cloud hosting. Of course, web hosting is the first thing to think about if you are creating any website. Effective web hosting will ensure that your website is available all the time. Though the term is popular among many people, not everybody understands how to host websites on cloud servers.

In the old days, websites could be hosted on a single server. The server was used to host several accounts or a single website. In both cases, web hosting was applying a standard principle. Cloud hosting is different.

Instead of having the data stored in one machine, cloud hosting has data stored on different devices. The data is also on many servers that are located in various places, but all are connected. As the site owner, you manage data via a virtue machine with access to all servers in the cloud. In cloud hosting, the server exists virtually and hence the name “cloud.”

Cloud hosting has more power and potential than traditional hosting. You can access many services offered by the connected machines, which isn’t possible with the conventional web hosting types.

Public and Private Cloud Hosting.

When hosting uses a single server, someone can share the server or use a dedicated server to host a single website. When it comes to cloud hosting, you also have a choice to make. You can host your website on a public cloud, which is an equivalent of a shared server. In public cloud hosting, the networked machines hold data for different websites. Several virtualized accounts share the hardware, and hence the cost is shared among the users. Different from traditional hosting, users don’t share disk space or processing power in cloud hosting. Public cloud hosting gives you all benefits of shared web hosting and has no disadvantages.

If you are not looking for a public cloud, you can set up a private cloud that doesn’t use shared infrastructure with other websites or accounts. This will, of course, come at a higher price but with more security and control. Its server resources are ring-fenced within private clouds to eliminate the possibility of sharing the hardware. You use a personal firewall to secure the data, and hence you are assured of data security. Private cloud hosting is the best option if you feel if you value your data security. However, it limits access to some advanced cloud services.

Why Site Owners Love Cloud Servers?

Some of us are yet to understand why the world is shifting from dedicated server hosting to cloud hosting technology. A cloud server system is complex and expensive to set up. Therefore, those who are using it must be looking more into its benefits.

Below are some benefits of using cloud servers in hosting compared to the traditional dedicated server hosting:

If you have a website hosted on a single machine, your site will always vanish as long as the machine goes off. So sad! Imagine if it goes off when a customer is trying to place an order on your site; they may never buy from you due to that frustration. If your site is in several machines that are virtually linked, you are assured of the 24/7 availability of your site. If one or two machines go offline, your website will still be hosted by other machines. 

Downtime can have a very adverse impact on your business. It can make you lose potential clients and existing ones to other companies. If you doubt this, Amazon’s servers failed, and their site went offline for 13 minutes, which made the store lose about $100,000,000 in sales. That means they were losing over $120,000 every second. A reliable hosting service ensures an all-time availability of your business website. The best part is, even the cheapest cloud services like Vultr ensure ultimate reliability with a 99.99% uptime guarantee.

Cloud hosting infrastructure offers more system resources than you need to use for any amount of data. Even when you choose to use a public cloud, you will have s super processing power that isn’t available in any method of traditional hosting. You can quickly scale the available resources whenever you expect extra traffic to your website. It’s simple. You only need to make a call or send an email to the hosting company to increase your resources based on real-time requirements. A day like Cyber Monday or Black Friday should not worry you. Contact your cloud hosting company and have your issue settled.

Unlike dedicated servers, your site cannot go down in case of a sudden increase in visitors. Accounts in cloud hosting are responsive to demand, and hosts only charge for what you use. Hence, cloud hosting is the best if you expect to have massive traffic to your business website.

If you love versatility, think of having your website hosted on cloud servers. Your site is hosted according to your needs in cloud hosting, unlike when you were required to select a subscription package. In the era of packages, you might be shocked that none of them meets your needs. A hosting company like Heficed offers you the same space, processing power, architecture, and security you need with a cloud set up. They will host your site on their Kronos Cloud that comprises advanced virtue machines with full KVM virtualization.

For example, you might have a site that accesses a massive database but used a small front end. This way, you will need to host massive files for download from the small site. Whatever the individual needs you have, you are assured of being accommodated efficiently on the cloud.


We hope that you have gotten the idea behind cloud hosting and cloud servers. If you need more reasons to shift to cloud hosting, don’t forget that you can manage your server from your smartphone. You don’t have to spend time accessing the datacenter since you can manage the servers remotely from your phone. Don’t waste more money and time relying on unreliable traditional web hosting services, cloud hosting will save you time and money in the long run.

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