
3 Ways Businesses Can Protect the Environment

In 2022 there is a growing demand for the needs of the planet to be put at the forefront of any business’s operations. It is now recognized that climate change is starting to directly affect the world and its effects are now visible rather than being theoretical concepts. Scientists knew at the start of this year that 2022 would have one of the hottest summers on record and this was proven with several countries experiencing extreme temperatures that set national records. Extreme weather patterns such as flooding, and drought can be attributed to humankind’s impact on the natural world. The release of greenhouse gasses on an unprecedented global scale has been a key factor in the increasing severity of weather patterns. As a result, modern businesses must look for ways in which they can protect the environment and limit any adverse effects that they have on the surrounding area. This article describes three ways in which businesses can protect the environment

Utilize Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, and wave power. They do not produce any emissions or by-products when they are used in the creation of energy and as such are considered to be clean forms of energy production. Installing solar panels on the roof of your business can be a simple but effective way to move to a more environmentally friendly form of power. Whilst solar panels may not serve all an organization’s energy requirements, they can offset the amount of energy that needs to be taken from more conventional forms of energy. By using solar power, less energy will be needed to be provided by power stations that burn fossil fuels to generate electricity. If every business incorporated renewable sources of energy in their construction, there would be significantly less demand for conventional polluting forms of energy. 

Make The Most of Water

There is a need for all businesses to make the most of their water supplies and minimize the waste of clean water in daily operations. When planning the construction of a building for business, water resources engineering companies can be used to ensure that water is distributed efficiently and waste of this precious resource is kept at an absolute minimum by effective construction methods that seek to eliminate leaks and the wastage of water. In an existing business, small steps can be taken to conserve water supplies. For example, fitting faucets with timer systems can eliminate the risk of constant running water if they are left on accidentally. 

Eco-Friendly Work Culture

As a final consideration, businesses should look to adopt an eco-friendly working culture that permeates all parts of the organization. It can be beneficial to hire sustainability champions in larger organizations or include this as part of some staff roles. Sustainability champions can help to develop improved working practices such as company-wide recycling schemes and the use of recycled materials in common office equipment. In addition, such staff can help an organization to go “paper free” by promoting the benefits of a fully digital office that utilizes cloud storage and digital technology instead of printing out documents on paper. 

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