
A Guide To The Best Controller For PC Gaming

Gaming is one of the most popular recreational activities in the world, and for some elite gamers, it has even provided the ability to make a living. However, playing at a high level and beating the most difficult games often relies on having the right accessories and equipment. Whether you’re a casual or competitive player, there’s no reason you should ever have an uncomfortable gaming experience. Which controller you use factors heavily into both comfort and performance. If you aren’t sure which model to choose, read on for a guide to the best controllers to use for PC gaming.

Which Is The Best Controller For Gaming On Your PC?

Even if you don’t play console games most of the time, many people prefer to game using a controller. The good news for PC gamers is that all the most desirable controller models are compatible with PC games, so they can still play their favorite Steam games without being tethered to their computer. While the best controller for PC gaming will ultimately depend on your preferences, there are some that stand out as some of the best on the market.

The best controllers function well enough to help you play your favorite titles more competently and feel comfortable to hold, even after a few hours of gaming. Customizability and responsiveness are also important factors to consider. When it comes to both comfort and accuracy, Sony’s DualSense wireless controller is a fantastic pick. The handles particularly are great because the texture allows for better grip.

The Razer Wolverine Ultimate is another popular choice. It’s a little more lightweight than the DualSense, but it’s worth noting that the Razer Wolverine only supports wired play, whereas the DualSense is able to be used wirelessly. Its extra buttons are a major perk for gamers who like to customize their controller. It even comes with an RGB lighting panel under the logo.

What Other Accessories Should Serious Gamers Purchase?

There are a lot of different types of equipment and additional gaming accessories that can enhance your experience. One item that anyone who spends a lot of time gaming should purchase is a good gaming chair. Gaming chairs with ergonomic features can help you stay comfortable and avoid health issues associated with bad posture or lack of back support. Look for a model with adjustable back and neck rests that provide adequate lumbar support.

If you play online multiplayer games on a regular basis, you’ll also want to pick up a headset. Being able to talk to your teammates is essential if you want to succeed, and the difference between victory and defeat is often how well you communicate. Anyone who likes to socialize with friends when they’re playing will want to look for a model that prioritizes audio quality. Given that the pandemic has made online gaming a safe alternative to in-person hangouts, a headset is a smart buy.

You may also want to consider thumb grips for your controller. Anyone who has played a game that uses joysticks for an extended period of time knows that thumb strain can be brutal. Using grips for your thumbsticks will help minimize strain as well as give you better control over your movements.

Final Words

The right accessories will make a huge difference in the quality of your experience when you’re playing video games, no matter if you’re an amateur having fun with friends or a pro trying to get better before their next tournament. Though controllers are most often used in console gaming, you can also connect a controller to your gaming PC. The best choice depends on what you need, primarily in terms of face buttons and responsiveness. Regardless of which controller you decide to go with, it’s definitely a worthwhile investment for any gaming enthusiast.

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