
Top 7 Benefits of Bespoke Project Management Software for SMEs

As businesses take on more complex activities, the demand for more sophisticated project management software continues to rise. However, for a long time, bespoke software solutions appeared to only be within the reach of large corporations with massive IT development budgets. Thankfully, these software solutions are becoming more accessible and affordable for businesses of any size and industry. SMEs now need to properly evaluate and consider which project management software, whether off-the-shelf or bespoke, would best meet the company’s needs.

Off-The-Shelf Software Vs Bespoke Software

Off-the-shelf software has come a long way from its rudimentary and clunky forms with the likes of Google Workspace, Asana, and Monday becoming names stay in the SME sphere. This software comes with impressive flexibility, easy-to-use user interfaces, and countless handy tools to elevate a company’s project management activities.

However, too many bells and whistles and the lack of adaptability to specific requirements can often result in reduced productivity. Scholarly research by Agrawal and others in the Journal of International Technology and Information Management revealed that all forms of off-the-shelf software have seen a reduction in usage while custom software has seen an increase in usage. 

For many, the straightforward and ready-made packages that let them start using the software right away is its biggest appeal. However, convenience often comes at a price and it is benefits like security, scalability, adaptability, and more that companies have to give up in the process. With bespoke project management software and solutions becoming more and more affordable, why not have the best of both worlds?

7 Benefits of Bespoke Project Management Software

Adapt To The Company’s Unique Needs

Off-the-shelf software needs to accommodate all types of businesses and try to provide tools and services that would serve the greatest amount of companies. While some of these features are great, they are unlikely to have all the functionalities the company needs to be as productive as possible. Too many SMEs get caught in having to adapt their practices to their restrictive software, leading to further reduced productivity down the line. 

With bespoke software, companies can create solutions according to their unique requirements and do away with all unnecessary features that can crowd out the software. This also gives companies the foundations to build strong project governance structures and practices that improve productivity, reliability, and consistency within their projects in the long term. With bespoke software, companies can get exactly what they want, how they want it, and when they want it. 

Ease Of Scaling

While the straightforward subscription packages of much off-the-shelf software may appear cost-effective and practical, they can become costly and slow once companies start scaling the number of users within their software. All too often these packages are either way too minimal or way too overpriced for the company’s needs.

With bespoke project management software, the software can adapt to the company’s growth pace and has the flexibility to accommodate changing practices or structures. Developers can build the software with flexible technology architecture, so no matter if the company has ten, a hundred, or a thousand users, the software will maintain speed and reliability.

Improved Data Security

Much prominent off-the-market software is a large target for hackers. One break in the system elsewhere can lead to an extensive data breach across many companies. This put both the company’s data and confidential client data at risk. The tailor-made systems of bespoke software are much harder to breach and depending on the need of the company, can be made more robust and complex to minimize any external threats of hacking.

Bespoke project management solutions like pmo365 are built on Microsoft’s Azure data centers that have IRAP certification. The Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) certifies platforms that have the highest standard of cyber and data security and it is used to maximize the security of the likes of the Australian federal and state government. Make sure to account for the security of the servers your software is built upon.

Long-Term Cost Savings

At a cursory glance, off-the-shelf solutions may seem cheaper with varying monthly and yearly subscriptions that can be added and adapted over time. However, over the long term, the ongoing licensing fees and user expansions can become costly. Though bespoke software may have larger upfront costs due to software development and deployment times, they do not incur recurring fees and are particularly cost-effective if the company is planning on expanding quickly.

Complete Ownership Of The Solution

With off-the-shelf software, the company has no control over the functionality, features, updates, or regulations of the software. Though most off-the-shelf software vendors offer some forms of customization, the process can be long-winded and frustrating. Additionally, if the software company suddenly goes bust, there is no security or IP ownership over the data held within those platforms, and years of work could be lost. 

Building a bespoke project management software ensures that all software IP and technical capabilities are owned by the company. Any changes to the s features, users, or security of the software are completely in the hands of the company.

Simplified Maintenance

Off-the-shelf software is used by thousands of companies and whatever bugs a company encounters with its service is all sent to a single development team. This can make ongoing maintenance time-consuming and costly if there are constant software downtimes or glitches. Additionally, if the software company shuts down, there is no obligation for them to maintain the product and clients may be forced to hedge unexpected fees to maintain their service.

Bespoke software development companies are legally obliged to monitor and maintain their client’s software and ensure it is working smoothly. Companies can also make updates and modifications whenever they please, giving them added agility and flexibility as they change and grow.

Seamless Integration Easing Workflows

Effective communication and collaboration make the backbone of any successful organization. Bespoke project management software makes integrating different teams and their processes a lot easier. No matter the different applications or processes used, bespoke software developers can create solutions that allow seamless data exchange and collaboration. No more critical data gaps, bottlenecks, or manual data input. 

Closing Remarks

With bespoke project management software becoming more accessible than ever, investing in one sets companies up for long-term stability and productivity. But make sure to have an experienced and credible software development team on your side to make sure you make the most out of your long-term investment. 

There are certain accreditations and certifications such as the Microsoft Prefered Solution badge, that give companies that extra bit of confidence to trust in their software developers. Invest well in a bespoke project management software and you see your project management activities flourish!

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