
3 Top Reasons Why Medical Practices Need Specialist Lawyers

Most people would love to be perennially healthy and possibly even immortal. When things don’t turn out as they hope, apportioning blame, or trying to do so, seems to be the norm. Unfortunately, when it comes to the treatment of illnesses or one of the many injuries we risk in day-to-day life, it’s the healers who tried to help who might find themselves facing upsetting allegations.

1. More than Half of All Doctors Face Malpractice Investigations

It’s not just doctors who make mistakes that are faced with malpractice lawsuits. Many cases are dismissed before ever seeing a courtroom because the accusations leveled against the doctors are unreasonable and unfounded. Nevertheless, being named in malpractice investigations or lawsuits is a profoundly disturbing experience.

Surveys indicate that more than half of all medical practitioners will face malpractice allegations at some time in their careers. That figure could be as high as 68 percent according to a 2016 benchmark survey.

Whatever the real figures in 2020 maybe, the conclusion is easy to draw: doctors stand a very good chance of being cited in malpractice cases during the course of their careers.

2. Just as Doctors Specialize, so do Lawyers

When we become ill, we often find ourselves being referred to specialist doctors who have specific expertise related to our health complaint. Lawyers specialize too. Specialized lawyers such as those practicing at Arizona law firm, Lamber Goodnow, will have expertise related to specific types of lawsuits. They will be familiar with the legal language pertaining to different types of litigation, and they will have studied Case Law to gain an understanding of what to expect from different courts.

Just as we may consult specific medical specialists when we become ill, so top law firms employ legal specialists in a variety of fields including medical malpractice and unlawful death.

3. Plan for Worst-Case Scenarios

Medical practices are a form of business, and every business should do contingency planning. When worst-case scenarios play out, we are often under too much stress to think clearly. Having a roadmap to follow when the worst happens helps to guide us through troubled times.

No matter how good a doctor may be, it is possible for him or her to make a mistake. Even when not guilty of error, accusations, blame-shifting, and sheer opportunism may result in unfair accusations and litigation. Knowing who to consult will be of inestimable value when doctors face malpractice lawsuits – and not just any lawyer will do.

When Doing One’s Best Simply isn’t Enough

Although doctors are as human as any of us, we often see them as being superhuman beings. A basic medical examination, in laypeople’s minds, should diagnose anything from common colds to cancer, and treatments should always “make one better.”

Unfortunately, real-life doesn’t always work that way, even at times when there has been no human error or negligence. Doctors all too often find themselves defending their reputation and livelihoods and the only way to address this effectively is to make use of specialized legal professionals.